Tomini gulf spreads out at 13 sub-provinces of 3 provinces i.e., Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and North Sulawesi.
Parigi Moutong location is 82 kilometer from east of Palu and has the longest coastal area of Tomini gulf compared with other 13 sub-provinces. Based on data from Parigi Moutong government, its coastal area spreads about 472 kilometer along Tomini gulf coastline. Its territorial water is around 3.483,36 kilometer square including 13 little islands.
It is not difficult to go to Parigi from the capital of Central Sulawesi, Palu. There are many public transportation going there, using non AC or with AC. Parigi city can be reached from Palu at about 2 horus. The journey from palu to parigi is not tiresome as we will pass plateau which is known as Kebun Kopi (=Cofee Garden). The scenery is beautiful and the air is cool and tender.
If you want to enjoy the more impressive trip, your Palu - Parigi journey can be continued to Gorontalo province. Along the way from Gorontalo to Parigi, we will pass Tomini gulf coast. Of course, we will enjoy the beauty of coastal scenery and villages along the road we pass through.
What a Beautiful!
Actually almost parts of parigi Mountong is in the Tomini gulf coast. That is why the beauty of Tomini gulf can be enjoyed almost at all areas or villages of Parigi Mountong, the widest sub-province in Central Sulawesi.
Arriving there, we start our journey from Sausau and Torue districts which borders on Poso sub-province. At Sausu, Matakosa village, we can enjoy Tumpapa beach with its white sand. We also can see traditional fishery proccessing and, more interesting, is the place where Maleo bird is breeding. Maleo bird is one of rare bird and endemic to some places in Central Sulawesi.
Meanwhile in Torue, the trip to enjoy the beauty of Tomini gulf will be different because we will pass the settlement of the Balinese community. As in Bali, in Toure and Sausu, the coloured and carved temples are the typical characteristics of each resident's houses. When public holidays or when there are religious ceremonies at Bali, the same ceremonies are also spread out by the local community. Almost every time we will be encountered by residents who use typical Balinese clothes. Of course this situation will make us feel like in Bali.
From Torue, we can continue our trip to South Parigi. In this subdistrict, we could enjoy the Tomini gulf by different way. There is a cape called Makakata cape at South Parigi, which has 2 square kilometer in width. The journey to the cape can be reached at around 15 minutes by motorboat.
The Makakata cape sticks out in the middle of sea, close to the Lindu Lake. From the Makakata cape, we could see the mountain across. Moreover also could enjoy white sand, swimming, fishing, surfing, and various other water activities.
There is still other worth-visiting place in parigi where we can enjoy the beauty of Tomini gulf. At about 60 kilometre from Parigi city, Tomoli village, Toribulu subdistrict, there is an island called Kelelawar (=Bat) island. The island is flanked by two capes of mangrove forest forming like a gate. The Kelelawar island is a breeding place of bat species. The uniqueness of the bat in this island is on their color, i.e., yellow, brown and black.
One place we should not miss it is equatorial village in the South Tinombo sub-district. "I think many persons do not know that equator pillar is not only at Pontianak. We also have it here." said Moechtar (37), a Parigi villager.
After we pass all the way, we will arrive at the end of parigi mountong sub-provinces, border with Gorontalo province. At about 271 kilometre north of Parigi, there is a Moutong sub-district. The district is an old city. We will find many historical buildings of Moutong palace.
There are two beautiful places at Moutong, i.e., Moian beach and Lalayo island. The Moian island is wide enough with its white sand and the location of salt production, as well as the span of local villager fish-ponds. When the sun set, the Santigi Cape that stretches at the background of Moian coast gives us other beautiful scenery.
Don't worry about foods and accomodation. Along the road, there are many restaurants that offer heterogenous food. Fresh fishes is the most food offered. At some beaches, we also can buy fishes from the fisherman and directly cook them while we are enjoying the scenery of the beach.
The Bupati (=the local government head of a sub-province in Indonesia) of parigi Moutong, Longki Djanggola, said that nature potent of his district will be managed as tourism objects so it can increase local government income, as well as local residents's.
"We will develop tourist management in coordiantion with local people. So people will feel directly their benefit. The government will just give the facilities to develop tourism assets in each district in this sub-province," said Longki.
(Reny Sri Ayu Taslim - Kompas)
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