Tourist is generally interested with terrain carpet shaded by Damar trees and plays the clear water of Cipelang River.
Selabintana actually has been known since colonization era of Dutch. Selabintana, as a place at the foot of Mount Gede Pangrango, initially was found by AAE Lenne (1853-1916), an Dutch entrepreneur. The business instinct of Lenne made him renovate the place as a rest place, which was natural.
At that time, Sukabumi was known as a resort for officers of Dutch plantation company. The Dutch had built central office in Sukabumi to handle many plantations in the area. That is way Lenne altered the resort to become a hotel.
In 1924, AAE Lenne delivered Selabintana Hotel to its child, GE Lenne (1897 - 1976). GE Lenne then chose Los Bakker, a Dutch manager, to manage the hotel. In the hand of Bakker, Selabintana attracted more Dutch tourists to come to.
The Change of Owner

In 1953, a two star general of Indonesian air force, Wiria Dinata, renovated Selabintana hotel. In 1967, the hotel is open to public.
According to the marketing staff of Hotel Selabintana, Lella Aprilia, since the hotel was open, the management of the hotel also opened a 20 hectares land for golf course. However, the guests became uncomfortable in case they would be struck by golf balls. Finally, the golf cource was shut to ensure the guests' comfort.
Easy Access
Selabintana ia located 7 kilometres northside of Sukabumi city. From the toll booth of Ciawi, Sukabumi city can be reached in three till four hours. However, tourist must be aware of traffic jam at several numbers of places in Sukabumi city and Bogor.
If you want to continue your natural tour at Sukabumi, you can visit has been wanted continue wisata nature in Sukabumi, tourist can visit maisonette Halimun that distance around 5 kilometres up at northwest Selabintana. Maisonette exists Halimun right accross beside National park entrance Gunung Gede pangrango.

Source of images: www.panoramio.com, picasaweb.google.com
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