Sailing Lane Disturb Main Zone of Papua Conservation

Posted by Adi Afifa Kurnia | 8/07/2009 05:41:00 AM

Jakarta- KOMPAS

The plan of Managing Teluk Cendrawasih National Park at Papua finally was approved by Indonesian government recently. However, the main zone for protecting fish habitat and ridge of coral reef is still disturbed by the line of sailing of commercial ships.

The main problem at the National Park is that there is still the sailing lane of big ships at the area, i.e passengger and cargo ships from Manokwari to Wasior, town city of Teluk Cendrawasih district. There is also the sailing lane from Wasior to Nabire and Biak vice versa.

According to the top chief of PHKA mr. Darori, the consequency of main zone decision is that the zone must be freed of any disturbance, including the sailing lane of big ships. The main zone means that the zone must be untouchable.

Teluk Cendrawasih national park has ridge of coral reef area 5,5 percent, small islands 3,8 percent, shore area 0,9 percent, and waterzone 89,8 percent. The statistic shows that there are 150 kinds of coral reef from 15 families, spreading around 18 small islands.

Although the mainland of Papua is virgin and dense rainforest, its beach which become one of indonesian Nnational Park is also known to have the highest diversity of fishes. At least there are 209 kinds of fishes living there. Four of seven kinds of turtle are also found at the shore here, such as scale sturtle (eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (chelonia mydas), lekang turtle (lepidochelys olivaceae) and star fruit turtle (dermochelys coriacea)

Some of big fishes such as blue whale, shark, dolphin and cowfish can also be founded easily in the area. At the shore area, there is still ancient remains such as the beauty natural cave. We also can find at one of its islands, i.e Misowaar isle, hot water spring containing sulphur without salt

According to Darori, the approvement of the government is mainly to conservation and protection of local people there. The area must be evaded as torusim business area or exceeding natural resources expoitation.

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