Located on 99,82 hectare area, TWA Angke Kapuk is one of the nature conservation areas that has mangrove ecosystem. Several species of plants are also found there, although mangrove is dominated the area.
According to the manager of the Park, husband and wife Bambang Susilo - Murni Harahap, the government open chance to private enterprise to cooperate with Jakarta people to develop and manage the Park.
When we visit there, after passing the Park's gate, we will feel cool and fresh atmosphere, far from the city bustle. Trees are everywhere and at the distance we will see the main plants at the park, mangrove.

In the area, we can choose how we will stay. There are several camping ground here and all facilites can be obtained from the organizer. It costs Rp. 300.000,- a day to rent a camping ground, including breakfast.
There are also bungalow in the Park if we are not interested in staying in tent. The organizer has been building eight bungalow to be hired.
Other tourism activity offered by the organizer is mangrove planting packet. It means we can help the conservation by planting mangrove in the area. The organizer will charge us Rp. 100.000 to buy two mangroves seeds to be planted and give a T-shirt as a bonus.
According the manager of the park, the important thing is not the fare, but how we can grow our understanding about the importance of nature conservation for our life.
In TWA Angke Kapuk, visitors do not only go sightseeing, they also can learn various species of mangrove and other beach plants, such as bidara, warakas, api-api, cantinggi, buta-buta and mangrove. We can also find there Waru Laut, Bluntas, Mendongan, Kedondong Laut, Dadap, K Hujan, Flamboyan, Ki Tower, and Duri BUsyetan. We really regret we just can name some of plants in Indonesian language because our limited knowledge.
Fauna species dominated at the TWA area are mainly birds, some of them are protected, such as Pecuk ular, Kowak Maling, and Kuntul Putih.
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